North Dakota Gastroenterology & GI Surgery Hospitals

Gastroenterology & GI Surgery Hospitals in North Dakota

There are 6 Gastroenterology & GI Surgery Hospitals in North Dakota. Check out our complete list of 6 Gastroenterology & GI Surgery Hospitals that will help you to find your Hospital in North Dakota.

6 hospitals found in North Dakota by Specialty: Gastroenterology & GI Surgery

  • Altru Hospital

    Altru Hospital

    • Hospital Type: General medical and surgical
    • Admissions: 13,987
    • Number of Beds: 264
  • Innovis Health

    Innovis Health

    • Hospital Type: General medical and surgical
    • Admissions: 7,652
    • Number of Beds: 117
  • Sanford Fargo Medical Center

    Sanford Fargo Medical Center

    • Hospital Type: General medical and surgical
    • Admissions: 24,431
    • Number of Beds: 456
  • Sanford Medical Center

    Sanford Medical Center

    • Hospital Type: General medical and surgical
    • Admissions: 9,991
    • Number of Beds: 218
  • St. Alexius Medical Center

    St. Alexius Medical Center

    • Hospital Type: General medical and surgical
    • Admissions: 10,578
    • Number of Beds: 281
  • Trinity Hospitals

    Trinity Hospitals

    • Hospital Type: General medical and surgical
    • Admissions: NA
    • Number of Beds: 584